Bezirkshauptmannschaft Rohrbach
Am Teich 1 • 4150 Rohrbach-Berg
Telefon (+43 7289) 88 51-0 • Fax (+43 7289) 88 51-26 93 99
E-Mail •

Landeswappen Oberöstereich

Service-Center CBE - Cross Border Enforcement

The Service-Center CBE (Cross Border Enforcement) is the central processing authority for certain traffic offences of the province of Upper Austria committed with vehicles registered in the EU, Switzerland or Lichtenstein. Cross Border Enforcement (CBE) refers to the cross-border exchange of information on traffic offences that endanger the road safety. CBE countries are EU-Member States that have implemented the EU-Directive 2015/413. The Service-Center CBE is located at the Bezirkshauptmannschft Rohrbach and acts as authority on certain violations for all other Bezirkshauptmannschaften (district authorities) in Upper Austria.

Service-Center CBE
Am Teich 1
4150 Rohrbach-Berg

Tel: (+43 7289) 88 51 69 920
Fax:  (+43 7289) 88 51-26 93 99

Office hours:

Monday: 07:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Tuesday: 07:30 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.
Wednesday: 07:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Thursday: 07:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Friday: 07:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon

You can also contact us by telephone on Monday and Thursday afternoons until 5 p.m.


General information:

If a traffic offence is committed by a foreign driver, the EU-Member State, where the offence was committed, can query the registration data of the vehicle. This is done by an automatic request from the state in which the vehicle is registered. The data exchange is only carried out for certain offences which endanger the safety on the roads. The condition for the data exchange is the implementation of the EU-Directive 2015/413 by the individual Member State. Austria has implemented this EU- Directive.

The information letter according to EU Directive 2015/413/EU is issued for minor traffic violations and is addressed to the registered keeper of the vehicle. 

If the penalty is paid within 4 weeks from the date of issue, the driver remains anonymous and the procedure is complete. There will be no entry in the administrative criminal register.

In case of non-payment, the registered keeper is obliged to name the driver using the given online code or the attached form. If the driver cannot be announced, the person who can provide information about the driver must be named.

No appeal can be lodged against the information letter. If neither the penalty amount is paid nor the driver is announced in time, regular proceedings will be initiated against the registered keeper. Only then can you argue against the accused violation. However, the fine will increase.

Weiterführende Informationen

With a driver survey also called Lenkererhebung, the registered keeper of the vehicle or respondent is requested to announce the name and full address of the person who was driving the vehicle at the mentioned time. If this information cannot be provided, the person who can name the driver must be announced.

This information must be provided within two weeks of receipt using the given online code or the attached form.

If the answer is not given in time, incorrect or incomplete, regular proceedings will be initiated.

The registered keeper must always know who was driving his vehicle at a particular time. There is a legal obligation to keep records (driver's logbook) if the requested information cannot be provided.

Weiterführende Informationen

With the receipt of a penalty notice also called Strafverfügung, the suspected person is accused of committing the mentioned traffic violation.

The penalty must be paid within two weeks of receipt.

An appeal against a penalty notice can be lodged within two weeks of receipt. Please consider the information to the requirements, costs and procedure on the back of your letter.

If neither the penalty is paid nor an objection is raised in time, the total amount will be reminded and in case of further non-payment enforced.

The amount of the penalty must be credited to the account in time (=payment receipt).

Bank connection of the Service Center CBE (Bezirkshauptmannschaft Rohrbach):
Account holder: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Rohrbach, Land Oberösterreich

Bank name: Sparkasse Mühlviertel-West Bank AG

Bank address: Stadtplatz 24, 4150 Rohrbach-Berg

IBAN: AT17 2033 4000 0000 1362

BIC (Swift): SMWRAT21


A proper booking is only possible

  • as EU standard transfer or
  • as a foreign bank transfer (free of charge for the recipient)

entering the identification number in the purpose/payment reference-field.


Keep the confirmation of the payment for at least six months, in your interest!

Further information

Montag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag, Freitag 07:30 bis 12:00 Uhr; Dienstag 07:30 bis 17:00 Uhr

Bezirkshauptmannschaft Rohrbach • Am Teich 1 • 4150 Rohrbach-Berg
Telefon (+43 7289) 88 51-0 • Fax (+43 7289) 88 51-26 93 99E-Mail

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